Flower alert teaser

If you’re thinking about a stroll through the Medicinal Herb Garden, put on the flip-flops and start walking. It’s pretty colorful right now. Here are some very recent photos of the latest plants to flower, but there’s much, much more in bloom. Enjoy!

Mirabilis multiflora (Colorado four o'clock) section C

Mirabilis multiflora (Colorado four o’clock) section C

Sidalcea neomexicana (pink checkermallow) section C

Sidalcea neomexicana (pink checkermallow) section C

Gentiana macrophylla (qin jiao) section B

Gentiana macrophylla (qin jiao) section B

Veratrum viride (green false hellebore)

Veratrum viride (green false hellebore) section A

Philadelphus lewisii (Lewis' mock orange) Cascara Circle

Philadelphus lewisii (Lewis’ mock orange) Cascara Circle

Baptisia australis (blue false-indigo)

Baptisia australis (blue false-indigo) section F

Opuntia polyacantha (plains pricklypear) xeriscape bed

Opuntia polyacantha (plains pricklypear) xeriscape bed

Triteleia laxa (grassnut) section C

Triteleia laxa (grassnut) section C

Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) section C

Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) section C

Rhodiola kirilowii (roseroot, hong jing tian) section C

Rhodiola kirilowii (roseroot, hong jing tian) section






Allium canadense (wild garlic) section D

Allium canadense (wild garlic) section D







flowerless summer

imaginable but grim

no, perish the thought


See you in the garden.



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